James Randall Musings on software development, business and technology.
Elite: Asset loading optimisation

Bit of work this mornign to optimise the asset loading. Some assets were loading in parallel and others in sequence which led to things not loading as fast as they could. Just reworked the loader to batch all the promises up together and then unpick the multi-type result.

On my rural broadband (allegedly its fibre…) that got loading down from 6.7 seconds to 4 seconds when nothing is cached. So a bit better.

I could likely optimise things further by packing the assets into a single file… maybe I’ll write an asset packer as part of Empires of Asphalt.

Otherwise I also did some work to set up some dedicated hosting for the game. Previously I’d been rather stupidly and laboriously pasting the build into an area of this blog. Last night I set up Netlify to host this on its own domain. You can find the “production” versions and latest dev version at the links below.

Production Development

Wasn’t exactly a lot of work. Netlify is pretty cool.